Why Should You Book a Cotswolds Spa Break This Winter?

Break out of that winter slump and refresh yourself with a winter spa break. As frosty mornings become the norm and threats of snow start looming, you may have already started feeling the effects of the UK’s cold winters. The harsh months can take a toll on not only your skin but also your well-being.

Not only is a winter spa day an incredibly relaxing experience for mind, body and soul when it’s needed most, but it also offers a variety of health benefits during a time when you’re most susceptible to colds and flu. Still need some convincing on why you should take a Cotswolds spa break? Find some of the benefits below!

  1. Boost your immune system

A drop in temperature and an increase in the sniffles tend to go hand in hand during the winter months. On top of this, typical daily life can make our bodies happily house stress and toxins that will ultimately catch up with us. In winter, this can be the perfect storm for a drop in immunity which will inevitably put us at risk for a sickness bug.

With wellness on the mind, it’s no surprise that people are looking for more ways to boost their immunity and whilst we all understand the mental benefits of unwinding at the spa, we should also be aware of the physical treatments on offer that can stimulate circulation and get rid of any tension.

A spa break in the Cotswolds could be your ticket to an immune system boost this winter.


  1. Have a restful night’s sleep

Studies show that nearly half of adults in the UK have trouble falling asleep at least once a month, and 1 in 5 struggle every night. Unfortunately, this won’t be surprising to many, no thanks to the ‘always-on’ culture.

The relaxing feeling you get during a spa break is not a temporary sensation – that notion of tranquillity stays with you long after your spa day has ended. Weirdly, a spa day can really take it out of you – setting you up for a peaceful night of rest.


  1. Warms you from the cold

We love hot summer’s day at the spa as much as the next person, but there are a handful of things that are so much better in the cold; hot chocolates, curling up on the sofa with a book, and submerging yourself in a warm outdoor pool or hot tub with the cold crisp air surrounding you, but not touching you.

Many of our guests have also told us that they’ve completely forgotten how cold it was outside once they started enjoying the saunas and steam rooms as they were coddled in a blanket of warmth and relaxation from start to finish.

When choosing your self-catering lakeside spa break, why not consider a holiday home with a hot tub so you can continue to enjoy the sensations of a spa back at your holiday home?

Photo taken from Clearwater 86, Clouds Keep

  1. Because you deserve it!

Shackled by the stress of everyday life and responsibilities, we often neglect ‘me time’. No one is immune! Caring for yourself is an important part of living a happy and healthy lifestyle. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So take the time to clean your mind, improve your health and boost self-esteem with a spa break, simply because you deserve it!


Spa breaks for couples, friends, and families

No one is immune from needing a break, so why not ask a loved one to join you, or perhaps even a small group? Not only will you all benefit from the above, but it’s an opportunity to spend some real quality time away from distractions with those who mean the most of you – an opportunity we don’t get often these days with work and modern life commitments.

If you’re looking to accommodate a large group, we have 5 bedroom holiday homes and can take requests allowing you to have multiple holiday homes next to each other.

Ready to book a spa break?

Are you ready to indulge yourself in pure relaxation whilst nestled away in the Cotswold Water Park? Our properties have access to one of two onsite spas.

Hurricane spa

Located in the stunning Lower Mill Estate, Hurricane Spa is reserved exclusively for those staying in selected properties locally and not for the general public. You’ll get access to this spa if you stay in any properly in Clearwater and Howells Mere, or selected properties in Mill Village.

The DeVere Spa

Whether you’re getting some exercise in, going for a swim or simply wanting to relax, the DeVere Spa in the Cotswolds Water Park is a good place to go. Anyone staying with Orion Holidays can enter the DeVere Spa at a discounted rate.

Book your Spa Break

If you need help choosing the perfect property, we’d love to help! You can email us through our contact form or give us a call on 01285 861 839.

Spa holiday Cotswolds with friends

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